Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Things you don't talk about at dinner

I am not political at all. I don’t know if apolitical is a word but apathetic is and that’s me in regard to politics. Yet I love election years, mainly because of the debates.

I’ve never been good with words and to see these semi-professional orators in action is a real treat. It’s also interesting to watch them try to restrain themselves from going too far when arguing a point with another candidate. They want to be confident and secure in their beliefs but they can’t bully or belittle.

I really can’t get over the fact that they can talk non-stop for minutes on end. I remember in school having to do 5 minute presentations and it was completely impossible for me to get beyond 2-3 minutes. And that was with notes! How the heck do these guys remember everything and how do they turn it into proper, rational thoughts? It’s really impressive.

I of course take things away from these debates but it’s never who won or who lost or who made their point or who strayed from their message. It’s more facts about America. What’s working, what isn’t, and how we can fix it. Debates and elections are about hope* for the future and I like taking part in them, even if it’s just on this small scale once every four years.

*Not an Obama plug. The word existed before his presidency.

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