Monday, October 31, 2011

A Hazy Halloween

Steve Jobs, a giraffe and a biker chick walk into a bar. It’s not the setup to a joke, it’s a Halloween bar crawl!

Saturday we went out in the pouring rain to a bar crawl around Faneuil Hall. We started at The Place which was absolutely packed. I saw a couple Indiana Jones’ (which was my costume last year), 3 different groups of Legends of the Hidden Temple players and a surprising number of Santas. We met up with our friends Michael Jackson and ramen noodles for some beers and jungle juice.

Our next stop was to everyone’s favorite spot, Hong Kong. They weren’t doing karaoke so we went upstairs to the dance floor. I ended up running into an old friend from high school as well as a group of former coworkers (Frogger, '20s gangster, flapper). We grabbed some scorpion bowls and went to town. Then my girlfriend’s friend showed up (construction worker) and we decided to head next door to Trinity.

Trinity is a bar that I have never seen really busy. It’s on a corner with Hong Kong, Sissy K’s and The Black Rose and it is definitely the black sheep of the group. Even on Saturday, as an official member of the bar crawl, it was not even close to capacity. We did a shot and went upstairs where most of the people were congregating. We danced for a little bit, took a picture of 3 blind mice and decided to leave the crawl to head to a house party.

Steve Jobs, a giraffe, a biker chick, Michael Jackson, ramen noodles and a construction worker try to hail a cab. Well it wasn’t hailing but the rain had turned into snow, which is never as fun as it was when you were a kid. Anyway, we got 2 cabs and ended up in Allston/Brighton. We pretty much doubled the amount of people who were there and literally brought the party. We were there maybe 5 minutes and my girlfriend was already putting together a signup sheet for beer pong. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to us, her construction worker friend drank a little beyond his means and was not doing any favors to our host’s bathroom. He came out and it was clear that he had to go home. That and if anyone saw that he had vomited in the sink we probably would have been asked to leave anyway. So four of us turned right around and got another cab.* We managed to get home with only minor issues – not more puke thankfully but those damn taxi credit card machines.

All in all, it was a relatively successful and undeniably memorable Halloween.

*It was MJ and ramen noodles’ friend’s place so they stayed and dealt with the consequences.

1 comment:

  1. don't forget how bad-ass steve jobs was when some hussy tried to scam our scorpion bowl ; )
